Get serious about Kettlebell Sport.
Obtain your official Kettlebell Sport Rank online this year in a time frame of 3 to 6 months.
Taco Fleur has coached students from beginner to CMS (Candidate for Master of Sport) level in one year. Anna Junghans who is a Master of Sport has helped many people understand Kettlebell Sport and has been there especially for the women.
Here are some real-life options of how students have obtained their online ranking in kettlebell sport.
Online Kettlebell Membership
The first option is becoming an IKU™ Gold Member, which gives access to the IKU™ Inner Circle. The Inner Circle is all about learning step-by-step from the ground up from home and in your own time.
This option is only $39.95 a month and gives access to coaching, material to learn the fundamentals, communicate with like-minded others, access to beginner workouts, and a 250+ workout library. You’ll be working directly with a Master of Sport, and other qualified Kettlebell Coaches.
Our IKU™ Gold Membership is managed through our social network for kettlebell enthusiasts KETTLEBELL MONSTER™ and you can sign up here. After joining the private group, reach out to the coaches about your intention to rank.
Online Kettlebell Certification
The second option is fast tracking everything by enrolling in our Online Kettlebell Sport for Beginners certification. The Certification is marked as L3 Trainer, however, it is suitable for anyone not wanting to become a trainer or teach others.
Your enrollment includes:
- Kettlebell Sport For Beginners Course
- Kettlebell Sport Trainer L3 Certification
- Official IKSFA Rank Submission
- Ebooks
- Master Kettlebell Grips
- Master Kettlebell Racking
- Preventing Kettlebell Training Injuries
- Kettlebell Training Fundamentals
- Kettlebell Sport Beginner Program/Template
- Instructional videos (located within the course)
- Exams and assignments
- Certification certificate (when successfully passed)
- Access to a Master of Sport for support
The cost is $399 and includes your official online ranking entry.
Member and Certification
Others have started with the membership for a couple of months and then enrolled into the certification, and some remained a member for a year and then just paid for the online ranking separately.
The options in order of commitment and dedication are:
- Becoming an IKU™ Gold or Platinum member and enrolling in the online certification (3 to 6 months)
- Enrolling in the online certification (3 to 4 months)
- Becoming an IKU™ Gold or Platinum member and ranking when ready
If you have any questions about the process, please contact us.
After completing just about all of the technical courses from IKU (Grips, Fundamentals, Swing, Clean, Press, TGU, Snatch, ROM …) and already passing 6 previous IKU Instructor-Certifications, I have to say that, even with the knowledge and skills from these previous courses, this was probably the toughest of all. Not just physically but mentally as well.
The amount of technical detail, physical ability (Strength-Endurance) and mental toughness required to complete the demands of the final 10 min TALC & 10 min Snatch (one Switch) examinations was unexpectedly high and sometimes frustrating! But going through those thousands of reps to complete the high technical IKU standards as well as the demanding IKSFA Rank requirements pushed my skills to all new levels. So yes – it was tough, it was frustrating, it was humiliating at times and it was often painful. But it was worth every drop of sweat, blood and tears!
Growth only happens outside the comfort zone! So thanks to Coach Taco for making me uncomfortable.
Philipp Wolf