Become a Kettlebell Trainer

Become an IKU™ certified kettlebell trainer by taking one of our online kettlebell certifications. We have certifications for trainers who just started with kettlebells and we have more advanced certifications for trainers that want to take it a step further.

  • Kettlebell Fundamentals Trainer
  • Master The Kettlebell Swing
  • Master The Kettlebell Clean
  • Master The Kettlebell Press
  • Master The Kettlebell Snatch

The Benefits Of Becoming An IKU Trainer

As a certified IKU trainer you receive the following benefits after approval:

  • Truly comprehend the art of kettlebell training
  • List and sell your kettlebell workouts on our websites like the Kettlebell Exercise Encyclopedia and others and earn 65% of the sale
  • Be recognized as an expert in our many online kettlebell communities (combined over 200,000 members)
  • Write articles for our websites and increase your branding and social media following
  • Submit videos, shorts, and posts for our social media and increase your own following
  • Refer other people to our certifications and earn an affiliate fee (software-controlled)
  • Certified by a worldwide recognized kettlebell entity that has been operating since 2009
  • Join the IKU™ worldwide kettlebell sport competition team
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